Student Stories
Travel enriches a child’s education in ways that no classroom lesson can deliver. But not every child can afford to travel…even when their school or youth group gives them the chance. The SYTA Youth Foundation connects youth with the resources required for travel experiences that will inspire them to be confident, connected, and globally responsible citizens.

Adrian’s life was turned upside down at the age of seven. Following several family tragedies, he was sent to live with relatives he had never met. Read Adrian’s story.

Dear SYTA Youth Foundation, I cannot thank you enough for your generous scholarship. I definitely had some trouble leading up to the trip trying to get the funds, and this scholarship helps a lot. Read Alexandra’s story.

Briahna Ruth received an SYF Road Scholarship for her trip to the East Coast with her middle school. “It felt impossible to come up with the amount of money for this trip. Read Briahna’s story.

“As the payment deadline grew closer, my chances of traveling on this highly anticipated trip was dwindling. But then a few weeks later, my incredible teacher Mrs. Cohen, pulled me out of my literature class with some amazing news.” It was a trip of a lifetime. Read Christian’s story.

Prior to the SYF Next Generation trip, Daniel Khalaf was lost: He was behind in school, did not see a future for himself and was surrounded by tough street life. Read Daniel’s story.

Hahner Family
Hi SYTA Youth Foundation, I just wanted to say thank you again for having the Road Scholarship program! You gave a scholarship to both my son and my daughter for their 8th grade DC/NY trips. Read the Hahner’s story.

In his winning essay for the Ripley Hunter scholarship, Jackson didn’t write about his favorite trip, but about one small event that changed the way he saw the world. Read Jackson’s story.

Traveling to rural Cambodia with 11 schoolmates and a handful of teachers was no ordinary spring break. In the remote village of Pailin in Battanbang Province, Katherine shared a life-altering journey. Read Katherine’s story.

Laura’s dream came true on her trip to Washington, D.C. Thanks to SYF, Laura learned many things and had a great time. Read Laura’s story.

Since participating in the SYF SeaWorld program in April 2017, Raelynn Stockton has the travel bug. The experience SYF allowed her to have introduced her to the joys of traveling and all the benefits it brings. Read Raelynn’s story.

“SYF Silver Lining Program made the dreams of 25 become a reality and that deserves much more than a simple thank you,” wrote Rayna in a letter to SYF. Read Rayna’s letter.

Because of SYF, Ruth was able to perform at the World Harp Congress in Vancouver, where she represented the United States. During her featured concert, she received invaluable instructive comments from professional harpists from all over the world. Read Ruth’s story.

Team bonding, the value of hands on experience, and leadership inspiration—that’s what Ryan gained during his SYF Next Generation Program and SeaWorld San Antonio experience. Read Ryan’s story.

In her winning Ripley Hunter essay, Sabina reflected on her ascent up the Alborz Mountains at the age of seven and how her travels changed her understanding of human determination. Read Sabina’s story.